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Rules of Engagement

feeling-sensing-energyWho you engage and how you engage them is of consequence in your moment to moment experience. Every interaction is an energy exchange and rarely are they neutral.

We are undeniably entangled and to maintain and enhance your reserves depends on your level of conscious engagement. That is not to say that each interaction must be one of profound meaning, but it is to consistently account for the replenishing and depletion of your energy.

Each party can leave fully charged, completely drained or one can feed off the other. Your mindfulness will dictate the outcome.

Tweet this: Engage that which elevates.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

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