Tweet this: Knowledge informs. Choice transforms.  “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

In the quest for expansion, security is forced to take a back seat. Although you can flow, there is no directing the details of Divine unfolding. Control competes with growth. Which do you truly value? If it’s the latter, then understand that the price of progress is to release the notion of absolute certainty.  Tweet [...]

  “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above) Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.  

A lot of time can be spent in defensive mode. One can take a position and hold it indefinitely. Material things can be collected then guarded, rather than enjoyed. Identities can be built and stubbornly retained past their usefulness. A resistant stance allows no room for expansion. It’s a choice to remain static. To focus [...]

Tweet this: Recall your radiance. “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Tweet this: Release revives.   “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book(above) Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

We often mistake our beliefs for truth. However, what we believe is a result of what we’ve experienced,  what we’ve been told, and what we decide to take away. We are all filters of truth but at any time can choose to take note of the direction our biases are leading us. Like the sun [...]

Tweet this:  Identities are created to be outgrown.  “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above) Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Tweet this: If you bottle it, you’ll battle it.   “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Life is constantly reaching out to us.  However, we often fail to notice its extended hand. Instead, many of us are turned towards obligations, worries, or a routine way of being.  To find joy and adventure, one must orient themselves in a different direction. Turning toward curiosity is effectively clasping life’s hand.  Honor it by letting [...]