The word “task” with a checkmark in a box beside it
Life a series of assignments. But are you a willing student?
When you can’t see the purpose the current lesson serves, you may ask, “What is the point of this?”
However, your spirit is the reminder that there is something to be extracted from every situation. Whether difficult, breezy, mundane, or infuriating, no circumstance is devoid of value.
Spirit will often urge you to do the hard thing. For example, telling the uncomfortable truth or challenging status quo. Just be sure your steadfastness is born of spirit and not of identity or ego. (Your heart always knows the difference.)
Unfortunately, what feels right doesn’t always feel good.
Allow the power of alignment to see you through the discomfort; long-term gratification outweighs short-term uneasiness.
Most of us have gotten used to some form of dysfunction. It’s one reason we stay in bad relationships or unfulfilling jobs and careers. We get used to the norm.
When a person gets corrective lenses for the first time, the clarity can be startling. They had no idea how far off their blurred view was from 20/20 vision. In the same way, when we habituate to suboptimal, it’s hard to imagine what “better” can look and feel like.
Like vision, your lens on life needs occasional readjustment. Functioning under normal circumstances, only means familiar circumstances, not necessarily ideal ones.
When life feels hopeless, the practice of acceptance can seem like a dooming proposition. However, acceptance is often misunderstood.
It is not giving permission for misfortune to continue. It is not resigning yourself to misery. It is not giving up.
It is rooting yourself in the strength of your soul. Only then can you take full stock of where you are -no matter how difficult- and be certain that possibility is limitless.
Acknowledging the truth of the moment isn’t conceding defeat. It’s merely giving the process of progression a starting point.
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