206. When you let go of the blaming, you have energy for the things that matter. 207. Your gifts do not belong to you. Sharing is  your obligation. 208. Labels limit you. Reach beyond your own and search behind those of others. 209. Your history shapes you, but does not define you. Write your own [...]

201. Ask for the help you need. Weakness is not in the request. It is only in your refusal to see things as they are. 202. Don’t allow learning to get in the way of doing. Confirming what you already know is stalling. 203. Tantrums are pointless. Adults know that things don’t have to go [...]

  196. Mood taints perspective. Discern what is real from what is perceived. 197. Nourish your spirit as you nourish your body. What are you feeding your soul? 198. Unfinished tasks bind your energy. Do what is necessary so you are free to move forward. 199. Your smallest of actions can impact someone else greatly [...]

191.  Life is an ongoing mystery with clues all around you. Are you paying attention? 192. If you’re blocking your own flow, ask for help. Get out of your own way. 193. Don’t let the success of others bring you down. See it as inspiration to get where you want to go. 194. When clouds [...]

  186. Not all movement results in progress. Are you going somewhere or just going in circles? 187. Only a leap can carry you to the next level. No leaping leads to lateral moves at best. 188. Regret is a dis-ease of the past. Worry is a dis-ease of the future. Ease into NOW. 189. [...]

  181.  Great tests reveal great-ness. 182. Competence is acquired, but greatness is revealed. 183. To listen genuinely to others is to validate them. 184. Until your dreams become your beliefs they will never be realized. 185. Until you take responsibility for it, you can’t change it. Blaming disempowers you. Get your daily Life Upgrade [...]

  176. Don’t let the size of your heart be constrained by reluctant receivers. Real love is never excessive. 177. Only when you discover your soul’s truth, will you know real joy. 178. Avoid the vortex of negativity. Stand firm within a current of your own making. 179. What you accept in your life will [...]

  171.  Only imagination defines your limitations. Without it, your growth is stunted. 172. Your anger is your prison. The good news is that you are the warden. 173. Wishing wastes the time you have now to make your wish a reality. 174. Do not let mere opinion overshadow what you know to be true. [...]

  166.  Your gifts are often in characteristics you take for granted. Take a closer look. 167. The mind processes whereas spirit knows. Which guides you? 168. You can celebrate you and still be humble. Don’t play small. 169. Building upon a shaky foundation is risky. Accept that there are things you will need to start [...]

  161. If you’re not willing to leave your life up to chance, you’d better start moving. 162. Just as a child earns allowance from a parent, we must earn opportunity from the Universe. 163. When you know who you are, doubters don’t matter. 164. Check yourself when another’s behavior annoys you. They might just [...]