A Curated Life  There’s a strange phenomenon going on. I’ve encountered several people who have developed a strange condition I call “Facebook Envy.” There’s a tendency to feel less about oneself based upon the images posted by friends and sometimes, complete strangers. It drives me absolutely nuts to hear people tormenting themselves over what amounts [...]

Twitter has become a place where I can express my thoughts and engage in the mind-expanding conversations that sometimes make the masses uncomfortable.  I have come to enjoy the world of twitter chats that enables me to jump into these types of exchanges on a regular basis. There are so many informative chats that I [...]

The Power of the Girl Effect I hear the stories of girls in the developing world. I cringe at the expectation of early marriage and forced childbearing of adolescents. I feel nauseated by the subjection of children to prostitution and exposure to AIDS. I feel deeply for the young girls who only wish to go [...]

Millions of people have it. Most are undiagnosed. Its insidious nature disguises the rather obvious symptoms: recurrent attacks of deja vu undeniable acts of self-sabotage an underlying sense of dissatisfaction Additional symptoms may include: lack of sleep, agitation, stomach upset, unexplained anxiety, headaches, crippling indecision, constant complaining with no effort to remove the irritant, chasing [...]