It’s impossible to live fully while maintaining surface involvement. To feel all that life has to offer, one has to be willing to go deep. Regardless of what the journey looks like on the outside, there is an accompanying inner journey that requires exploration, at times excavation. Like lovers who risk heartbreak, we must be willing to [...]

Tweet this: Vulnerability gives way to liberation. “How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life. Click here.

Pursuing a dream can be scary. Having that dream realized can be even scarier. It’s easy to think that the grass will be greener on the other side and it some ways it will. However, moving into that new space can be disconcerting. The questions will start to come: “Can I do this?” “Am I [...]

I look at my mother and I see extreme beauty. I say that not because she’s my mom, but because she undeniably is beautiful. Her rich cocoa skin is flawless. Even in her seventies, her wrinkles are minimal and she easily looks ten to fifteen years younger. Her forehead and cheekbones have a regal quality. Her smile [...]

At first, I thought the following posts would be a departure from what I usually write. However, the more I think about it, the more it seems highly appropriate to discuss these topics. The umbrella I work under is that of being a “work in progress.”  To present myself as a work in progress is [...]

Today, I came across a blog post by an insightful twitter soul @LetHerBeGreater aka Michelle Madrid-Bran. It was entitled “Scars, Flaws, and All.” It was a beautiful read about accepting and celebrating our imperfections as they are all beautiful parts of who we are. It reminded of a reflection in my book, so I decided that it [...]

  102.  Question, question, question. Don’t lose your ability to wonder. Life is more interesting that way. 103. Saying “Why does this always happen to me” is a signal you are not learning the lesson. Pay attention. 104. Don’t get overwhelmed. Everything is not important. Prioritize and keep it moving. 105.  Being alone does not [...]

The Intimacy Battle What is it about the thought of intimacy that makes so many of us uncomfortable? Why do we hide our real selves even from the people “closest” to us?  What’s your opinion?

Remember your first kiss? The one that you felt from your quivering lips to the very tips of your toes? Breath held. One…two…You felt like you would burst open from an intolerable surge of bliss.  There was that feeling of being in your own secret world with this other and yet a sense of being [...]

Millions of people have it. Most are undiagnosed. Its insidious nature disguises the rather obvious symptoms: recurrent attacks of deja vu undeniable acts of self-sabotage an underlying sense of dissatisfaction Additional symptoms may include: lack of sleep, agitation, stomach upset, unexplained anxiety, headaches, crippling indecision, constant complaining with no effort to remove the irritant, chasing [...]