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When Bad Things Happen

In light of the terror attacks in Boston, I felt it necessary to share. We get complacent in our bubbles of safety and the relative proximity has shaken me out of that complacency. This is something that millions around the world experience on a daily basis. It just shouldn’t be.

It’s so difficult when ugliness manifests in such a way. It’s easy to go into the tailspin of how could this happen. As a deeply sensitive individual, I cannot help but feel the weight of these events and the helplessness it promotes.

However, I believe that all madness stems from disconnection. We don’t harm that to which we feel deeply connected. It’s when the illusion of separateness enters that we see horror manifest.

And although, we can’t avoid all the craziness and tragedy that has taken place and continues to occur, we can make an effort to move towards connecting with others.


That’s where our power resides. The refusal to be robbed of hope for better days. The refusal to believe that love can not heal. The awareness that each of us is part of a whole that begs for recognition of this fact.

Connection isn’t something we just share with close family and friends. Connection is woven into the life purpose of each and every one of us. It is not incidental. It’s purposeful and takes effort.

Make the effort. Please. The world depends on it.

What do you think?