How convicted are you about what you really want?
Can you make requests at your workplace about what suits you best? Can you ask your significant other for what you feel you need? Can you even admit out loud how much money you would like to have?
If you feel guilty, or shameful, or any other negative vibration, you are standing in your own way.
If we think about desire in terms of frequencies, it’s not as likely that you will receive what you want out of life, if you aren’t on the same frequency of the thing that you desire.
The Universe wants to match up things that go together. Simple.
To get what you want, you have to act and believe that its presence would be a natural occurrence.
Anything less is counterproductive and often antagonizing.
(Tweet this): What you desire has to feel like it belongs with you.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!
The Evolutionary’s Manifesto available on Amazon ($.99)
“I Haven’t Found Myself…but I’m Still Looking” available on Amazon ($4.99)
This is so true. Thanks for reminding me. All so often I find that my idea of progress in some area in my life is not backed up by my subconscious mind, my emotions.
I will think “Would be great to get to x” and then my stomach would tell me “I don’t believe we (my stomach and me) deserve that. It won’t happen”.
I am still looking for the best tools to align my subconscious mind with what I would like to achieve.