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The Intimacy Battle

The Intimacy Battle

What is it about the thought of intimacy that makes so many of us uncomfortable? Why do we hide our real selves even from the people “closest” to us?  What’s your opinion?

What do you think?

  • Albert July 29, 2013, 4:38 am

    After many year in which I has been practically isolated from anyone, I believe that we become open to the others only when we have the conditions and the will to increase our seft-estern, and I feel this process is so rare because in every step to this openess we should face a particular fear. Unfortunately not so much find the cisrcumstances and the courage ;-(. I agree with you that the principal fear is to be judged by others, but I think is also associated with the belief that the world is a dangerous place and if you show yourself frankly someone will appear which will use you.

    • emelia July 29, 2013, 10:52 am

      True. That’s a common fear, as well…especially if the experience of being used has already transpired. It’s also possible that feeling that the world is a “dangerous place” may be a symptom of low self-worth. Perhaps, there is a sense of not being worthy of a benevolent world and the feeling that one must protect oneself from what their world will inevitably present.

      You’re so right. It’s not easy being vulnerable and many will miss out. I wish you the most loving experiences possible in your own journey. Thanks for your comment, Albert. 🙂