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On the Defense

argueWhen we feel attacked or challenged, defense mode may quickly surface. It’s easy to match the level of negativity being presented.

A negative exchange we have with another is a dysfunctional dance. However, we get to decide whether or not we accept.

A defensive reaction is only possible when we identify with a role we’re taking on. The work of consciousness is to remember the truth of who you are and not get pulled out of yourself by external forces.

The next time you find yourself on the defensive, assess the role that you have assumed, take a breath, then decline to play the part. And if it’s after the fact, go easy on yourself. Remember, returning to your center is as much a part of the practice as being centered.

Tweet this: Spirit needs no defense.

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What do you think?

  • Diane May 10, 2016, 11:43 am

    This is just spot on. I so appreciate you. Thank you.

    • emelia May 11, 2016, 9:57 pm

      Thank you, Diane. <3