FREE SOUL INFUSION KIT: 20 life-changing strategies & bonus gifts


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How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)

Visit me on Periscope for archived 1MinuteMantras.

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

The Waiting Game

A lot of time is spent waiting. Waiting for the perfect moment. Waiting for magical  opportunity. Waiting for the right person or people. Waiting for a definitive solution. Waiting for one’s own readiness.

In truth, what we’re really waiting for is to feel less discomfort before making the move we know we must.

However, growth often requires the discomfort of speaking up, of asking for, of leaving behind.

Life is calling  to you. Wait no longer. 

                  Tweet this: Occasional uncomfortable moments beat an entirely uncomfortable life.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)

Visit me on Periscope for archived 1MinuteMantras.

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

The Inquiry

Tweet this: Questions initiate growth.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)

Visit me on Periscope for archived 1MinuteMantras.

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

For Sale

Everyday, pieces of souls are relinquished for paychecks, for companionship, or other measures of external approval. The resultant emptiness is excruciating.   

The soul is the most precious gift you are given. Bargaining with it in exchange for some false sense of security is a losing proposition.                                                                       

Tweet this: Settling is always unsettling.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Mind Your Form

Tweet this: Knowledge informs. Choice transforms. 

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.


In the quest for expansion, security is forced to take a back seat. Although you can flow, there is no directing the details of Divine unfolding.

Control competes with growth. Which do you truly value? If it’s the latter, then understand that the price of progress is to release the notion of absolute certainty. 

Tweet this: Govern or grow.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.




“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.


On the Defensive

A lot of time can be spent in defensive mode. One can take a position and hold it indefinitely. Material things can be collected then guarded, rather than enjoyed. Identities can be built and stubbornly retained past their usefulness.

A resistant stance allows no room for expansion. It’s a choice to remain static. To focus on defending is to avert that energy from cultivating something greater.

Tweet this: Your defenses fence you in.



“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.




Tweet this: Recall your radiance.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.



Tweet this: Release revives.


“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book(above)

Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.