FREE SOUL INFUSION KIT: 20 life-changing strategies & bonus gifts

A Sure Thing

choosing-school1Life has no guarantees but we often operate as though it should.

Unassured of an outcome, we may stop in our tracks too fearful to venture into the unknown. But it is the unfamiliar that forces us to improvise, to explore, and ultimately grow.

Always looking for the sure thing circumvents the process of self-discovery. There is no unfolding in familiar territory.

Tweet this: Seeking certainty ensures stagnancy.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

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Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.


Disappearing Act


Tweet this: What you force will fade.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Permission to Dream

imageChildren have no problem living in a make-believe world. And the sheer joy with which they experience and recount their experiences is nothing short of contagious.

But there inevitably comes a time where we are shamed for dreaming. And as a society we dismiss dreamers for having their “heads in the clouds” or “dreaming their lives away.”

But what is a life without dreams? As an adult, you may not be battling giants or riding on unicorns, but you don’t have to forfeit imagination. It was your first show of creativity. Give yourself permission to reclaim that part of your nature.

Keep in mind that dreamers are the innovators. They are the ones who advance us. The protectors of hope and the ones that reach into and live in possibility.

Tweet this: To imagine is to invoke.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Pack Light


Tweet this: Wisdom is weightless.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.


uptown-upset-black-womanWhen our triggers are set off, rationale is nowhere to be found. But over time, one can learn to become attuned to rising emotion or, at least, associated sensations in the body. With that practice of presence, grace is granted.

Even in the space of one breath, everything can change. When we feel provoked, that space allows us to provide context. The response loses intensity because triggers work best in the absence of perspective. They thrive in a void.

Presence is the countermeasure to the threat of that void. Triggers lose their power when you are in communion with your essence.

Tweet this: Truth quells triggers.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Choosing Sides


Tweet this: Decide inside matters most.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Power Hungry


Authentic power is when the personality comes to serve the energy of the soul.”  ~Gary Zukav

We don’t always feel powerful in our own lives. While some of us will choose to resign ourselves to that powerless state, others will overcompensate by throwing their weight around.

The latter is a misunderstanding of what constitutes real power. It is not a state that requires feeding off of another’s reserve. It doesn’t require submission and it need not victimize in order to achieve a short-lived fix.

Real power isn’t ravenous. It doesn’t beg for recognition. It has nothing to prove to anyone. In fact, it need not involve another party. It is moving through the world with the knowledge that you are deeply aligned with the Truth of who you are.

Tweet this: Authentic power speaks for itself.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Keep It Together


Tweet this: Your soul craves integrity.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Clear Vision


We tend to hold onto our beliefs tightly and when something comes up against them, we ignore it if we’re not willing to bend. We see what we want to see.

At the same time, we might be searching for clarity and direction in our lives while wearing this voluntary blindfold.

Seeing things selectively is never beneficial. We learn the most about ourselves when we face the things that challenge us. By hiding from these potential revelations, we undoubtedly obscure other aspects of our experience.

Tweet this: Insights are in plain sight-if you’re honestly looking.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.

Unconventional Ways


Tweet this: Truth transcends tradition.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra or get the NEW 1MinuteMantra app here!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.