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Feeding the Fire

heart_flame_image_4You know those moments when you feel so full of life you could just burst? The buzz can stick around for a while and you feel invigorated.

We love to feel that sense of aliveness.

Unfortunately,  we sometimes engage in destructive behavior that also feeds the fire. Anger, jealousy, even worry are fuels of a different nature. Or ever see someone light up when they’re participating in gossip? Watch how the energy spreads when others -or yourself- latch onto that energy.

These behaviors are poor substitutes for the engagement we seek.

Pay attention to how you’re feeding your own fire.

Tweet this: Be mindful that what fuels you doesn’t eventually consume you.

“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!

Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life. Click here.

Visit me on Periscope to get your weekday 1MinuteMantra.

What do you think?

  • Jenn February 16, 2016, 10:21 am

    Emelia- Thank you for mentioning your blog this morning on the scope. I didn’t know that this page existed! This message is so important to me as I am actively looking around to see what does and what doesn’t feed by soul. This is taking many shapes as I declutter possessions, clothing, social media and at times, friends. It’s been joyful, painful and oh so necessary. Your one minute of calm mantras have been a big piece of this process as well. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us all.

  • emelia February 16, 2016, 1:16 pm

    You are so welcome, Jenn. I’m appreciative of you taking the time out to tell me so. Sounds like you’re on a fantastic journey…and one that never ends. I’m constantly getting rid of extra baggage. People, situations, things serve us until they don’t. 🙂

    Had to elaborate on that last sentence. It reads kind of cold without context. Meant that some relationships are outgrown. People are never disposable but sometimes our connection to them has to be altered or finished altogether. A lesson I’m constantly learning…

    Glad to have made the connection with you. <3