May 21, 2019
In the pursuit of goals and dreams, a certain amount of energy is put forth. However, it’s necessary to distinguish this from the type of effort that results in detriment to oneself.
In the former, much of that movement is inspired and leads to a momentum that reinvigorates. It is self-renewing. In the latter, the doing is obsessive and unyielding. Ultimately, it is unkind to one’s well-being.
As nature shows us time and again, everything cycles. There is a time for pausing and an appropriate time for activity. Beware any type of behavior that abandons love of self and rest is nowhere to be found.
Tweet this: Thriving is rhythmic. Striving is relentless.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
May 14, 2019

Tweet this: Peace is elusive without acceptance.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
May 7, 2019
When embarking on a path, first question the impetus for your action.
If it is born of anything other than inspiration, then the Universe cannot support it in the same manner. Forced action is met with some degree of resistance in your own mind, which will be reflected by resistance on the path pursued.
On the other hand, inspired action will gift you with momentum. Inspiration not only compels you, but ultimately propels you.
Tweet this: The journey echoes its origins.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
April 30, 2019
Tweet this: Reliving is seldom relieving.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
April 23, 2019
Life is full of phases to be experienced and cycles naturally come to a close. When faced with an ending, how you choose to deal with it makes all the difference.
One can gracefully let go or willfully resist, kicking and screaming the whole way. Either way, endings are inevitable. However, an elegant release offers more ease than a messy severance from which it will take longer to recover.
To fight is to resist Life itself; to let go is an invitation.
Tweet this: To surrender is to summon.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
April 16, 2019
Tweet this: Magic transcends logic.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
April 9, 2019
For many, silence is overwhelming. It encourages the amplification of worrisome and fearful thoughts, the voice of the inner critic. As a result, some will find the nearest distraction to counter the discomfort.
However, you can choose to be embraced by the quiet rather than engulfed. Beneath the initial uneasiness, calm, wisdom, and the potential for self-discovery can be found. It is the space to fine-tune intuition and develop self-trust.
It only requires your presence to recognize the gifts being offered to you.
Tweet this: Silence is bountiful.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
April 2, 2019

Tweet this: No trust, no flow.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book(above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
March 26, 2019
Even before advanced technology, we created virtual realities in our minds. This is the land of memories, what if’s, and to-do’s. In other words, we spend much time anywhere other than here and now. It is this habit of vacating our bodies and wandering aimlessly in the mind’s landscape that pulls us out of presence.
The mind, when attended, has great value. However, one must learn to honor the body as it is the portal to presence.
Tweet this: The body is to be inhabited. To be in habit inhibits.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book!
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.
March 19, 2019
Tweet this: Abandoned wounds are potential weapons.
“How to Create the Life You Really Want: 20 Small strategies for Big Changes” FREE e-book! (above)
Visit me on Periscope to get your 1MinuteMantra. (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Check out my online course, SoulScripting, if you’re looking to start living a more inspired life.